01 / Mar 2016
JB ARSEN co-hosts event addressing Policy Initiatives for Ease of Doing Business in Kerala
The Society for Integrated Growth of the Nation (“SIGN”) in association with Belverdia Legal and JB ARSEN, hosted a session on “Policy Initiatives – Ease of Doing Business in Kerala” at TDM Hall, Kochi. The Session was held as a precursor to the Make in Kerala summit proposed to be organised by SIGN in the last week of February, 2016. “The session is part of the group of interactive sessions proposed to be held across the next one month as a curtain raiser to the mega summit of Make in Kerala in February,2016”, said Mr. A. N. Radhakrishnan, President, SIGN.
The objective of the Make in Kerala Summit is to promote holistic growth of entrepreneurship and industrial growth in the State of Kerala, through participation of the Central Government, State Government and various industrial Groups in Kerala. The Make in Kerala Summit is aligned to the objective of the Make in India Campaign of the Central Government. As part of the initiative, three key startup projects identified for promotion by SIGN under the Make in Kerala initiative were showcased. The products ranged from Jackfruit flour to Composite Grooved Rubber sole plate. The Make in Kerala campaign was given the perfect kick start through an initiative to revive the MSME market for spares and other components, through a joint venture with Steel industries Kerala Ltd. to manufacture AC chair plate and rail joint bolt for supply to the Indian Railways.
The Union Minister for Law and Justice, Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda was the Chief Guest for the session. Shri T. Balakrishnan (Retd IAS and MD, Inkel), and Shri Prasad Panicker (Executive Director, KRL), were also present. The session highlighted the various policy measures being undertaken and proposed to be undertaken by the Central Government and the State Government to streamline the larger goal of achieving “Ease of Doing Business” initiatives, in line with international practices. “It is important for the industrial groups to provide their views and initiate a forum for streamlining the “Ease of Doing Business” initiatives in India considering the World Bank ranking, which places India at the 130th rank, and thereby necessitating focus on major improvement measures to achieve the larger objective of the Make in India campaign” said CA Balakrishnan K., Partner, JB ARSEN.
The event also witnessed the distribution of Entrepreneurship Assistance Questionnaire to various entrepreneurs identified by SIGN till date, and also initiated the process of preparation of the Memorandum of Suggestions to be invited from various key industrial players towards improving the “Ease of Doing Business” in the State of Kerala.